NB: Linux Server Assummed
1. Manual Startup
#xhost + //disables access control
#su - oracle //switch to user oracle (execute home folder)
#export ORACLE_SID=crm //for crm SID
#sqlplus / as sysdba //connect to sqlplus as sysdba
SQL>startup //start up the db
SQL>quit //
#lsnrctl start lsnrcrm //start listener
#emctl start dbconsole //start Enterprise Manager
NB: shutting down = shutdown immediate (from withing sqlplus)
2. Related (run as user oracle)
#dbca //db config assistant
db type: General Purpose
Global Db Name : eg dump.fsm
SID : eg dumpfsm
Option - > Generate DB Creation Scripts (Default location: /home/oracle/oracle/admin/dump/scripts)
#netca //configure listener
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