
   Quran Explorer - Interactive Audio Recitations & Translations

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Human Knowledge Belongs To Mankind

Living in a civilization driven by a thirst for more information regardless of place and time obviates the need for individuals who must dedicate their time, knowledge and sanity to the service of mankind so as to make some contribution in their own 'little' ways.

Inspired by the efforts of ancient philosophers
1 Aristotle => inductive reasoning (knowledge from experiment/observations)
2 Plato => deductive reasoning (knowledge thru reasoning - eg backward chaining)

Current Projects

1. Knowledge Based System (AI - cocktail of Prolog and Java)

This system uses AI techniques and tools to create an Expert System shell that can also be configured as an Automated Help Desk facility or a Computer Aided Learning system.

The system accepts user queries in the natural written language (any language desired*) and responds to them from data in its knowledge base. The system is an expert in a specific domain (eg computer networking, management, history, etc).

This is not magic ! The Knowledge Engineer is in charge of maintaining the dictionary (verbs, nouns, synonyms), adding new knowledge to the Knowledge Base and he is also the tutor to the system (teaches it how to respond to specific questions).

i. The Knowledge Engineer does not give the answers (the already exist in the KB) but rather tells the system how to approach specific kinds/categories of user questions.

ii. The system currently only solves theory questions. Calculations and diagrams to be added later.

iii. The demo is available for download here

2. Simplex SMS Daemon (Java)

This product is already completed and ready to roll. It accepts product mix requests through SMS and replies with the maximum profit the person can get, the combination of products that will realize the profit and the amount he may have left after buying the products for sale.

It answers the following questions:
i. What is the maximum profit i can get from eg 1000/= ?
ii. Which is the best deal between two mutualy exclusive deals ?
iii. What combination of products will give me the maximum gain ?

i. Your sole purpose of engaging in business is maximising the profit.
ii. All the products in the mix will be sold out.

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